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Association of Partnership Practitioners

Running a Professional Services Business in Distress

Chair: Simon Prideaux (The Royal Bank of Scotland plc)
Speaker: Dermot Power (BDO LLP)

This workshop will consider:

• Highlighting internal and external factors currently impacting the financial viability of professional services firms
• Analysing the key components of a professional firm’s balance sheet (especially the recording and valuation of work in progress)
• Considering optimal financial structures (including the role of external equity funding) and the future for Limited Liability Partnerships
• Discussing the role(s) of lender(s)
• Anticipating and managing financial distress (including retention of key practitioners and clients)
• Optimising tax treatment


• To improve participants’ understanding of the risks currently faced by profesional services firms and the factors which can lead to financial distress
• As a result, improving the quality of advice/representation participants can give to parties facing or affected by such issues (including the management of their own businesses)


to be held at Addleshaw Goddard LLP, Milton Gate, 60 Chiswell Street London EC1Y 4AG at 5.45 p.m. for 6.00 p.m.

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