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Association of Partnership Practitioners

Mergers - why now?

Chair: Tony Williams (Jomati Consultants LLP)
Speakers: Peter Crossley, (Squire Sanders Hammonds) and Richard Owen (Drivers Jonas Deloitte)

This workshop will consider the reasons for mergers both domestic and cross border, the issues that arose as part of the merger discussion and the early results of the merger.  The two main speakers have both completed major mergers, one of a UK law firm with a US law firm and one of a firm of property advisers with a big four accounting firm.


Delegates will be better able to understand the issues to consider and address when contemplating a merger, know the reasons to proceed or not to proceed with a merger and the practical issues that need to be dealt with both before and after completion of the merger.

to be held at The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, 280 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4RB at 5.45 for 6.00 p.m.

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